Making Nghe An an economic driving force for the Northern Central

English - Ngày đăng : 10:38, 22/03/2023

The Central Economic Commission, together with Nghe An Provincial Party Committee, just held a talk on development direction of Nghe An Province to 2030, vision to 2045 on the occasion of reviewing the Resolution 26-NQ/ TW dated July 30, 2013 from the 11th Politburo on directions and tasks to develop Nghe An to 2020.

Gradually shaping the regional economic center
According to Tran Tuan Anh, Head of the Central Economic Commission and Head of the Steering Committee for the Project on Reviewing the Resolution 26-NQ/TW, the purpose of the Seminar is to unify common perceptions and build scientific and practical ideas, helping the Steering Committee to synthesize, report and propose the Politburo to issue a new resolution on socio- economic development and assurance of national defense and security in Nghe An province to 2030, vision to year 2045.

Head of the central economic comision Tran Tuan Anh spoke at the siminar

Project on Reviewing the Implementation of the Resolution 26-NQ/TW is one of the key duties of the Central Economic Commission in 2022 and one of the key tasks in the working agenda of the Politburo and it is approved in the term’s working plan.

Thai Thanh Quy- Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee- emphasized there were much time spent to implement the review of implementation of the Resolution 26-NQ/TW from the Politburo- it was identified as one of the political taks on priority.

After nearly 10 years of implementing the Resolution 26-NQ/TW from the Politburo, the province has had comprehensive achievements in many fields.

Nghe An’s economy is currently ranked 12th nationwide, contributing 12.43% of the regional economy and 1.84% of the national economy. Economic growth rate was fairly maintained. In 2022, it increased 9.05% with VND 20,000bn to the 2022 budget. A number of fields have been shaped as the center of the Northern Central. People’s lives in regions have gradually increased significantly.

In addition to the achieved results, in the process of implementing the Resolution, there have still been shortcomings and limitations, especially the goal of building Nghe An into a decent province in the Northern region by 2015 basically becoming industry province by 2020 has not been achieved. Economic growth quality and competition abilities are not high; some important economic indicators are still lower than the target...

Solutions recommended for Nghe An's development
At the seminar, Truong Dinh Tuyen- former Minister of Trade, former Secretary of Nghe An Provincial Party Committee- said Nghe An’s development should be associated with the common development of the time, with a new vision, new methods that create breakthrough, especially with new aspirations.

Tuyen pointed out the importance of coordination between the central and local governments in implementing Resolution 26-NQ/TW and stated the important role in applying results of the Industry 4.0. Nghe An should apply digital transformation for forming digital government, digital economy and digital society. At the same time, the province should develop new economic models, improve the efficiency of the use of resources by improving investment and business environment, and administrative reform.

In the seminar

Le Doan Hop- Former Minister of Information and Communications said it is necessary to clearly define its advantages to develop Nghe An. Currently, Nghe An has developed synchronous infrastructure; taken good care of cultural and social issues; done well work of zoning, protecting and taking good care of forests; taken good care of ecology and urban environment; had internal solidarity ... However, the quality of the province’s human resource is still low; administrative reform work has not met requirements, it is still modest compared to that of other provinces; there is no information technology industrial park. Nghe An is still a poor province.

Hop suggested Nghe An Provincial Party Committee to issue a resolution to liberate thought for determination to get rich, and soon bring Nghe An out poverty. Building industrial parks to develop fields that Nghe An has advantages; making good use of historical sites for tourism development; upgrading universities in Nghe An to meet high- quality human resource training; speeding urbanization. In addition, the province should be more drastic in attracting investment, looking for investors. In the investment attraction mechanism, priority should be given tointernational enterprises; Vietnam’s large enterprises and the province should  attract enterprises of Nghe An people for investment.

Nghe An should propose to the Central Government 2 contents: having entrance exam for 4 positions of Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of the District People’s Committee, Chairman of the Commune People’s Committee and Directors of departments. Investing in the East-West Highway connecting Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. Besides, the province’s internal should be more united and should exploit capital of central enterprises, foreign enterprises; exploiting intellectuals of Nghe An people outside the province.


In addition, the delegates suggested that Vinh be developed into a coastal city. In the report, it is necessary to link the objectives and tasks; the goals and targets set in the new period should be realistic. The province needs to develop a system of logistics, develop small-medium sized enterprises; has deeper orientation on marine economic development; determine key focus of agriculture; develop strategic infrastructure ...

Assessing the achievements and limitations, the delegates highly agreed on proposing the Steering Committee to propose the Politburo to issue a new resolution on socio-economic development and assurance of national defense and security of Nghe An province to 2030, vision to 2045, to continue affirming the Party’s position on the role, position and importance of Nghe An to the Northern Central region, Coastal Central region and the whole country.

By Duy Ngoi