Ba Ria - Vung Tau and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

English - Ngày đăng : 09:26, 06/11/2023

With the rapid development trend in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (commonly referred to as Industry 4.0), the application of digital technology infrastructure in management in Ba Ria - Vung Tau (BRVT) as well as in production processes is becoming a common trend among investors in BRVT today and in the future.


On September 27, 2019, the Central Committee issued Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW on certain principles and policies for actively participating in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Following this resolution, the government issued Resolution No. 50/NQ-CP, the government's action plan to implement Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW dated September 27, 2019, by the Central Committee on certain principles and policies for actively participating in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Subsequently, the Prime Minister approved Decision No. 749/QD-TTg, "National Digital Transformation Program until 2025, with a vision toward 2030."

In line with these resolutions, and the Resolution of the Seventh Provincial Party Congress of BRVT for the 2020-2025 term, the Provincial Party Committee issued Resolution 02-NQ/TU on digital transformation, smart cities, and administrative reform. This resolution ensures the implementation of national digital transformation goals, as outlined in the National Digital Transformation Program accompanying Decision No. 749/QD-TTg, dated June 3, 2020, by the Prime Minister.

BRVT will strongly promote the application of information technology in the activities of government agencies. It will develop a unified, modern, and reliable digital infrastructure to support digital transformation, smart cities, and administrative reform. The province aims to accomplish several key tasks in building smart cities.


Four years ago, BRVT organized training courses to cultivate innovative thinking and adapt to the new business landscape of the Fourth Industrial Revolution for over 100 businesses and cooperatives in the region.

The application of the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution not only enables modern and efficient state management but also interacts with investors in industrial zones (e-government) and future investors forming a production network connected through digital platforms. Applying the benefits of the industrial revolution helps to make more efficient use of industrial zone infrastructure, reducing operational costs for operating units.


Two years ago, the People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province issued Decision No. 336/QD-UBND regarding the action plan to implement the Government's Resolution No. 50/NQ-CP and the Provincial Party's Plan for implementing Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW on certain principles and policies for actively participating in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Through this decision, the provincial People's Committee assigned tasks to the Industrial Zone Management Boards to develop and implement a smart model for managing and operating industrial zone infrastructure, with the overall goal of applying the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to enhance efficiency and performance in managing industrial zones in three main areas: Smart e-Government, Efficient Industrial Infrastructure Management (IP Management), and Attracting Investments through digital platforms, including the establishment of a one-stop online investment service.


As of the end of 2022, the province had completed 13 out of 30 key performance indicators and 28 out of 53 assigned tasks. Notably, in the process of digital transformation, the province achieved several positive outcomes, such as 53.6% of administrative procedure documents being processed online, the implementation of the LRIS reporting information system across 20 departments, and regular economic and social reporting on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. All new documents are digitized, and 100% of businesses in the province use electronic invoices. Additionally, 70.3% of farmers involved in agriculture have accounts on electronic commerce platforms, and 21.32% of residents have electronic identification.

Currently, the province has successfully established an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) architecture for developing a smart city and put the Smart Provincial Monitoring and Operations Center into trial operation. They have also begun implementing the project to build the Smart City Management and Operation System for Vung Tau City, as well as projects for smart services and utilities to support management and maintain public order, which have undergone initial reviews. Several departments and agencies have proposed investment plans for projects they intend to lead.

To further boost digital transformation activities, the leadership of the People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province has urged organizations, units, and localities to quickly adopt digital technology and data to improve and change the operation processes of government agencies. They prioritize resources to achieve significant targets outlined in national programs and strategies related to digital transformation, the development of e-government, digital economy, and digital society within the province. They aim to propel BRVT into the top 15 provinces and cities nationwide in terms of the level of digital transformation.


Currently, the province's departments and sectors are making efforts to achieve the following goals: 30% of businesses using digital platforms, 50% of businesses using electronic contracts, 50% of businesses with .vn domain names, 20% of the population having electronic identification, 90% of the population having electronic health records, 80% of online payments through the provincial public service portal, expanding the online video conferencing system to 100% of communes, wards, and towns, ensuring that 100% of communes, wards, and towns have electronic information pages (or dedicated sections), and developing the provincial digital data repository while promoting cashless transactions in various sectors such as transportation, healthcare, education, telecommunications, broadcasting, electricity, and water.

By Bao Han