Thuy Van Square Landmark – A New Architectural Icon for Vung Tau

English - Ngày đăng : 08:20, 18/10/2024

Vung Tau City, with its strategic position in tourism and commerce, is increasingly drawing attention not only for its economic development potential but also for its unique architectural projects. The Thuy Van Square Landmark is a prime example, promising to become a new symbol and elevate the city's tourism brand. This article provides an overview of the project, its architectural significance, and the creative solutions proposed by its designers.
The facade of the Thuy Van Square landmark, view from the coastal city

The Importance of Thuy Van Square in Urban Planning

According to the 1/500-scale urban planning, Thuy Van Street is set to become an international-class tourism and commercial center for the city. Not only is it an important coastal road, but it also serves as a key landscape axis, leaving a lasting impression on visitors. In line with the city's tourism development goals, Thuy Van Square requires a standout landmark that harmoniously combines architecture with natural landscapes, while reflecting the cultural and historical characteristics of the region.

A Symbolic Design Concept

The design team drew inspiration from Mount Tương Kỳ and Mount Tao Phùng, two iconic mountains of Vung Tau, combined with the imagery of the constantly crashing waves and golden sands. These two mountains not only create a picturesque "sơn thủy hữu tình" landscape but also act as natural shields for the city. Incorporating these natural elements into the project, the designers utilized soft, flowing curves to closely link the architecture with nature.

The viewpoint is inspired by the image of a protective arm, creating an attraction for the structure

The image of a sailing boat is a significant element in the design, symbolizing development, the conquest of the sea, and a bright future for Vung Tau. The integration of cables in the architecture represents the strong connection between the past, present, and future of this coastal city.

Innovative Architectural Solutions

In their design mission, the team proposed breakthrough solutions with new perspectives. By creating continuous, unconventional curves, the project not only ensures aesthetic appeal but also optimizes functionality. The main facade of the structure faces the East Sea, offering an open space and seamless integration with the surrounding landscape.

The overall perspective facing the East Sea

The uniqueness of the project lies in the interaction between architecture and nature. With an open design concept, Thuy Van Square will provide a space for interaction, relaxation, and cultural exchange for both tourists and locals. Elements such as green spaces, water features, and outdoor event areas are designed to create a sustainable and environmentally friendly tourist destination.

A Cultural and Local Icon

The architectural concept also embodies the cultural essence of Vung Tau. The designers subtly incorporated the image of the "heaven gate" with the symbol of a fish leaping over the waterfall to become a dragon, reflecting mythology and the strong aspiration for growth. This represents the city’s continuous development and creates a spiritually significant space.

The project is not just about creating an architectural symbol; it also expresses the city’s desire to promote sustainable development, deeply integrating history with modernity, and nature with humanity.

The perspective view from the sea

Following two rounds of design selection in March and June 2024, the design by Dico House Architectural Consultancy and Investment Company Ltd. was awarded first prize. This design not only meets aesthetic and functional criteria but also stands out for its breakthrough in creating a unique cultural and architectural interaction space.

Thuy Van Square – The Future Icon of Vung Tau

The Thuy Van Square Landmark is not only a new symbol of Vung Tau City but also a testament to the comprehensive development of the tourism industry and urban planning in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province. With a harmonious blend of innovative architecture and natural landscapes, the project promises to become a tourist attraction, contributing to economic development and raising Vung Tau’s profile on the international tourism map.

The development of a city goes beyond economic factors, involving the preservation and promotion of cultural, historical, and natural values. With the Thuy Van Square project, Vung Tau is demonstrating this clearly, balancing local uniqueness while opening opportunities to reach out to the world, becoming a bright spot in the journey of international visitors.

By Van Tam