There have been lots of reasons, among which are assynchronousity and unbalance among stages in processes of economic developments- from ideas of developments, concerns, and levels of support to development policies...
(1) From stages of manufacturing, delivery, trafficking to a stage of consuming needs synchronosity for sustainable developmetns. We have been paid too much attention to investment encouragements and manufacturing expansion but less attention to logistics. The unbalance between manufacturing and logistics takes place right of the stage of policy planning in all sectors and localities...
(2) When building and expanding national roads, expressways and economic corridors, we have not had proper attention to building infrastructures connecting to other means of transport. In infrastructure planning, no logistics centers functioning as transport connections, rest points, economic connections among localities, trade promotion and transport rescue have not been thought of... Currently, we do not have such a logistics center on economic corridors and key national roads as National Road 1, Ho Chi Minh Road and expressways. And it is hard to implement the Decision 1012/QD-TTg.
(3) In provinces and large cities, lots of apartment buildings and residential areas have been being built without overall logistics planning in systems of transport, drainage, school and even play grounds..., resulting in inadequacies in sustainable developments: congestions, traffic accidents, floods that have been more and more serious in localities and cities.
(4) Transport is a logistics activity that plays a very important role in encouraging sustainable developments. Vietnam has a lot of advantages in terms of transportation means as sea way, railway, road, airway, pipe line and means of electronic transport... We have been paying too much attention to development policies and investments in roads, sea ports, expressways and airports... but there have been a lack of attention in building systems of consolidation ways, synchronous connecting ways, railways and waterways connecting to international seaports, especially building logistics centers to develop multi-modal transport.
(5) Improvements of business environment have had great contributions to various forms of business in implementing socio-economic targets. However, for faster and more sustainable developments, logistics environment including logistics legal mechanisms, infrastructures should be paid more attention to to develop systems of logistics enterprises with high competition abilities and systems of enterprises using logistics services...
Logistics is a key stage that ensures efficient, sustainable developments for every economy. Therefore, to achieve development targets in 2019 and the following years and to make good use of opportunity from the second the second North Korea- United States Hanoi Summit, Vietnam should have synchronouse solutions both in short-term and long terms, especially adjust assynchronocity in thoughts and in investment development policies.
First, there should be logistics thoughts in stages of planning guidelines and policies of socio - economic developments in the period of integration. Logistics should not be narrowly recognized as transport or forwarding but there should be proper recognition. Logistics thoughts are efficient and optimal thoughts in sectors, localities and national economy, which are opposite to local interests or group’s interests.
Second, there should be considerations for correction and adjustments of development policies to infrastructure sectors as logistics. There should be adjustments and modification, or even a merge into one document, for example, the Decision 1012/QD-TTg dated July 3rd, 2015 and the Decision 2072/QD-TTg dated December 22nd, 2017- which will help to avoid waste in logistics infrastructure investments.
Third, in the basic of merging the Decision 1012/ QD-TTg and the Decision 2072/QD-TTg, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry Trade and the People’s Committees of provinces and cities should have researches, evaluations and finding locations for logistics centers, logistics industry parks to meet with practical needs, which helps to cut logistics costs, improve import – export flows and improve economic growth.
Fourth, building logistics centers (especially those on economic corridors of the National Road 1, Ho Chi Minh Road and those going through international gateways with China, Laos and Cambodia...) and then building logistics industrial parks, logistics group to connect localities to perform economic connections, having good exploitations of economic corridors in the areas, attracting logistics investments, having deep outsourcing to increase goods values. Logitics industrial parks should be built at economic centers and connecting points of roads, railways, waterways and aairways in the area. The centers should be planned with long-term visions with sizes of an industrial zone, not simply expanding a number of functions of a current ICD’s. This is a breakthrough solution to improve current economic quality.
Fifth, the Decision 200 QD-TTg dated February 14th, 2017 on action plan of improving competition abilities and developing Vietnam logistics service to 2025 is not adequate enough for developments of an important infrastructure service sector in our country. Therefore, a building of a strategy and development planning for Vietnam logistics to 2030, vision 2045 is necessary. In the role of a conductor - a commander in-chief, logistics is an important infrastructure sector having interdisciplinary characteristic and applying all achievements from IT sector. Logistics management efficiency is the result from participation from different sectors as transport, planning and investments, trade, finance, customs and IT... Therefore, for a unifying management, there should be a National Committee on logistics and a modern national logistics system planned for both short-term and long-term progresses.
Sixth, there should be improvements in term of logistics human resource training for the national economy. Logistics human resource in general and logistics human resources in sectors, localities and enterprises have not received proper attention. State’s management staff of all levels should have logistics knowledge and logistics thoughts to perform their activities at the lowest costs to solve economic problem in manner of overall interests, not in manner of local interests or groups’ interests.