In June 1989, the People's Committee of Dong Nai province established the Dong Nai Port Enterprise (now Dong Nai Port Joint Stock Company - PDN). This was a time when the country was just entering a period of renewal, facing many difficulties and challenges. The initial operating funds of the unit came from the taxes payable by transportation enterprises within Dong Nai province that were allowed to be retained. Now, looking back on the past 35 years, PDN has undergone numerous changes, creating significant marks and achievements, and is striving in international economic integration.

Among the many milestones in its development journey, the event on January 4, 2006, is notable when Dong Nai Port successfully transitioned to a joint-stock company and officially commenced operations with a charter capital of 34.9 billion VND. In 2010, the company's shares were listed and traded on the UPCoM stock exchange (stock code PDN).

Dong Nai Port consists of two international commercial port areas: Long Bình Tân Port and Go Dau Port. These are key transportation hubs in the southern economic quadrangle area of Ho Chi Minh City - Dong Nai - Bình Dương and Ba Ria – Vung Tau.

Photo: Phan Van Phu

Besides the business of exploiting seaports serving international ships on intra-Asian routes with annual throughput over 7 million tons, contributing significantly to the seaport operations in the region. Currently, PDN - Long Bình Tân Port branch is gradually asserting its key position in connecting trade, serving the export and import of container cargo to international markets in the Southeastern region.

The Thi Vai River and Dong Nai River system allows goods to be transported by river from the deep-water seaport cluster of Cai Mep in Ba Ria – Vung Tau, and the Ho Chi Minh City port cluster to the central transshipment hub of Dong Nai Port (and vice versa), then continuing to connect the import and export process by road to the inland regions of Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc, Tây Ninh, Lâm Dong, Binh Thuan, Laos, and Cambodia...

PDN has been growing impressively. In 2023, PDN achieved significant growth in both revenue and profit; specifically, revenue reached 1,100 billion VND and net profit reached 295 billion VND, increasing by 9.3% and 26% respectively compared to 2022.

In 2024, in the first quarter, total revenue grew by 38%, reaching 316 billion VND. According to Mr. Huynh Ngoc Tuan, Deputy General Director of PDN, the revenue growth in the first quarter of 2024 is due to the recovery of export turnover in some major markets such as the US and China, leading to an increase in demand for goods and raw materials for export production.

In addition, the Long Thanh airport project, and other key projects such as the Bien Hoa – Vung Tau expressway, the Ring Road 3 – HCMC, and the Ben Luc – Long Thanh expressway are being implemented, creating opportunities for the exploitation of raw material sources.

PDN has been and is focusing on investing in infrastructure, specialized handling equipment for timely container operations, reducing congestion at the port to meet the increasing volume demand of customers, and enhancing customer satisfaction when using port services. As a result, container throughput at the port increased by nearly 56%, and the throughput of general goods increased by over 13% compared to the same period.

While revenue grew by 38%, total costs in the period only increased by over 29%. Therefore, post-tax profit grew strongly by over 59%, reaching 85 billion VND. This positive result was due to the approval by the Vietnam Road Administration allowing cars from HCMC after crossing Dong Nai bridge to turn right into Dong Nai Port, creating favorable conditions for customers in the Bình Dương and HCMC areas to enter the port.

In October 2022, the General Department of Customs approved the change of transit goods' transportation method and vehicle at PDN, creating conditions to utilize transit goods from Cambodia to the Cai Mep area ports for export. Additionally, the container scanning system was also put into operation at the port by the Dong Nai Customs Department from November 2022, facilitating customers in cargo inspection and clearance, as well as enhancing the role of gateway ports at the two areas of Go Dau Port and Long Binh Tan Port.

When the Bien Hoa – Vung Tau expressway, Ring Road 3 - HCMC to Long Thanh airport become operational, PDN will be the regional and international connection hub for commercial, logistics, and high-tech industrial services. This will optimize the import-export cargo transportation needs for businesses in the province and surrounding areas in the region.

In 2023, the establishment of the Dong Nai Port Customs Sub-Department created favorable conditions for exploiting more types of goods through the port, facilitating customers to export steel and iron goods transported to Cambodia.

From now until 2025, PDN will continue to expand wharves and yards, invest in handling equipment, and warehouse infrastructure. At Long Binh Tan Port area, it will invest in an additional specialized container handling berth, increasing the total length of the wharf to 460m; expand the yard area, increasing the total yard area to 25.6 hectares; invest in an additional 10,000 m2 KNQ and CFS cargo warehouse, increasing the total warehouse area to 33,000 m2.

At Go Dau Port, it will invest in 02 berths with a total length of 415m to receive ships with a tonnage of 30,000 DWT; expand the yard area by an additional 9 hectares.

At the beginning of April 2024, PDN chose CEH Company to deploy the Port Management Operation Application (VTOS) to replace the old software that is no longer suitable, aiming for comprehensive digital transformation of port operations, integrating the Vietnamese digital seaport system (VSL), which is an important piece in the system connecting ports in the Southeast region.

CEH Company CEO, Mr. Ta Minh Vang, also expressed commitment to dedicate maximum resources to deploy, train, and operate according to the Project Board's plan. With support from the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Transport, the VTOS platform "Made in Vietnam", designed by young engineers, is increasingly gaining the trust of logistics businesses, gradually replacing foreign products, affirming Vietnamese intelligence and readiness to set sail to the big ocean.

Bài liên quan
  • PDN 35 NĂM: Khẳng định thương hiệu trong chuỗi giá trị logistics
    Tháng 6/1989, UBND tỉnh Đồng Nai thành lập Xí nghiệp Cảng Đồng Nai (nay là Công ty Cổ phần Cảng Đồng Nai - PDN). Đó là thời điểm đất nước mới bước vào đổi mới nên vẫn còn nhiều khó khăn, thách thức. Kinh phí hoạt động ban đầu của đơn vị từ thuế phải nộp của các doanh nghiệp ngành Giao thông vận tải (GTVT) trên địa bàn tỉnh Đồng Nai được để lại. Bây giờ, nhìn lại 35 năm đã qua, PDN đã có biết bao thay đổi, tạo những dấu ấn, thành tựu và đang vươn mình trong hội nhập kinh tế quốc tế.

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Đừng bỏ lỡ
PDN 35 YEARS: Affirming the brand in the logistics value chain