On July 19, 2024, the 9th Congress of VLA (2024 – 2027) was held with the theme "Unite Strength – Sustainable Development." WR1 was honored to be recognized as one of the member companies with outstanding contributions during the 2021 - 2024 period (8th Term).

Collaboration, Connection, and Value Creation

At the opening of the Congress, Mr. Le Duy Hiep, Chairman of VLA (8th Term), reflected on the challenges of the previous term, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was a difficult time not only for the logistics service industry but also for the global economy. However, in this challenging context, VLA made great efforts, united, and persevered to overcome all obstacles.

WR1 was not only a sponsor but also a reliable member actively participating in VLA's activities. From supporting scientific research, organizing business networking events, to engaging in charitable activities, WR1 consistently demonstrated readiness and high responsibility.

Notable Contributions of WR1:

Building on the efforts and initial results achieved during VLA's 8th Term, WR1 is committed to continuing to partner with VLA in the 9th Term and beyond. We aim to make even more positive contributions to the overall development of VLA and Vietnam's logistics industry. We are proud to be part of this journey and are ready to work alongside VLA to achieve new goals for a sustainable development of Vietnam's logistics sector.

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WR1 Partners with VLA for a Sustainable Development of Vietnam's Logistics Industry